Best Writing Services Online
Platform 2023 - UK


Welcome writers from the Caribbean, Africa, USA, Asia, Europe & Globally.

An author and provider of courses, training and personal development for adults and young people focuses on employability and careers.
Book Launching Services in England, UK is helping authors and writers from any genre to launch their books.
Listen, think like customers do.
Voicing industry.
We made good journeys since covid as we source services and partners to help us grow as a writing and training community. Visibility is key.
In 2023 we won the UK best writing online platform and in 2024 is nominated for a similar award.
My background includes providing training, personal development and supporting young people to recognise their full potential.
I have strong skills in interacting with people and which helps young people to identify their capabilities in working on projects in gaining a strong image of themselves.
We are here to stay.
A project setting mentoring objectivities. Building to validate a career depending on choice.
Provision for specific training and development.
Experiences in mentoring, adult and further education and creative writing support young people to secure a positive future.
A sense of specialisms.
Our courses are gaining interests from the education sectors.
Supports adults on our courses.
Supports learning outcomes to align with developing positive self-image and personal skills that equips, confidence building.
Presentation and negotiation skills in careers.
Personal development and training to remain in employment.
Find the best writers in London for all your creative writing needs. Our experts specialize in creative writing.
Get high-quality writing that stands out from the competition with London's best writers at #ExposureBookLaunch #BusinessWritingSkills Effective business writing
Veleta and Friends Writing Book
Volume 2
'Have you ever been in a situation and someone else's behaviour has made you react strongly?'
Emotional Intelligence:
'Who are You and what would you like to be?'
Being Self Aware
'Spiritual Growth never offers anyone a discount'
The Depth of Mischief
"No Mal, but that's not a problem," Luis got back into the car.
"Changed your mind have you? Is something wrong, Luis"
"No Mal."
"The door of the café wouldn't open so Olli pushed hard and it squeaked before it opened."
"Blessing's temper was as fragile as a drinking glass.."Mother Mother get up at once," she said
"Father Paul looked hard at the rusting piece of zinc and became curious."
Book launch testimonials
"Congratulations on your accomplishment" KV.
"Awesome indeed. Enjoying every bit of the programme."
"Congratulations Claudette Great launch. As you know I have very much I enjoyed your book. It brought back so many similar memories, So eloquently and evocatively written" G J.
Going Places -Kids' Book
"The bus drives carefully on the road."
"Our car drives ahead of the bus."
"Lots of air space helps the aeroplane fly. The aeroplane is faster than a train."
"The car has little wheels and a small engine."
Join the creative writing group.
Registered company name: Exposure Book Launch Limited.
Registered company number: 12619963
Registered address: Asylum Road, Peckham, London, SE15 2LW

About Me
Veleta Hayles
Our mission and values at Exposure Book Launch are to make ourselves visible to writers and young writers with prompt service. We target individual goals in their writing journeys. Propelling personal and team goals are a considerable incentive to maximize what is available. Knowing that a fresh piece of writing or an article closely resembles Exposure Book Launch remains uplifting. Predictions having increased engagements and leads are an inspiration. Our 'Make It Happen' email marketing helps to engage with any age group. We are reaching our threshold, and it is vast to have writers providing articles—an enormous appeal to continue to do what we are doing and extend using multi-level SEO automations.

My Values:
Occasionally writers and their books make progress through a writing journey. Whatever that comes our way are obstacles to overcome. Honesty is clarity. It paves the way for customers to adopt our service and every aspect of customer expectations. Specific expertise I gained through writing is that I' It paves the way for customers to adopt our service and every aspect of customer expectations. newsworthyjournal.com/how-to-choose-the-perfect-book-cover-design/Specific expertise I gained through writing is that I' It paves the way for customers to adopt our service and every aspect of customer expectations. Specific expertise I gained through writing is that I've written two novels and a children's Book alongside my writing skills, trace writing techniques and use them to improve practical aspects of learning. Wholesome thinking and doing works and new creatives make others want to get involved and become part of Exposure Book Launch, writing courses and support with writing. My unique selling points are my courses, books, book launches. The launches offer choices of three marketing plans of choices with enormous benefits for the writer and are accessed online. The two short writing courses come with huge benefits to becoming a writer, skills to enhance and develop new writing; a drive to writing success.
I am passionate about writing for several reasons. It takes me into new directions of nature, life, and the past. I adore history. They have remarkable events which eventually unfold with precision. It visualises; being influenced by the many happenings, some seen and some unseen. I can think of several episodes, past and present, that affect the choices and decisions.
There is often fresh thinking. Over time, there will be noticeable changes. They add to our beliefs that writing can come in different forms. Then presents imagery of the situation. The reader can grasp the intention and begins to write an article, and, in most cases, there will be a consistent dialogue. They embrace the functions of reading and writing. Ideas and concepts to approach life can be from the presenting situations and concepts to approach life can be from the presenting situation. Their images might be enough reasons to bring creativity as an art of writing. They can relay their thoughts through speech and voice their approval on an open stage. An approach to becoming a writer is a passion for oneself.
I believe it is inner strength. There are destinies for self-expression. They are not isolated There are destinies for self-expression. They are not isolated. Someone among us will be intrigued and desire to find a solution through writing. It comes through reading and beyond. I love to associate with others on virtual platforms. They are simple and easily accessible anywhere.
Writing is a habit. It takes me to several outlets within the writing world. I love poetry, and I have written several poems. I hope to publish them one day. Many of my poems come from newly founded poetry. So long as there is satisfaction from engaging in a task, it can become a spectacular encounter.

Want to Launch a Book?
Once again, we reach writers and authors and are proud that you made our journeys successful. So far, we had webinars and a book launch; all have been a huge triumph, and we have several interests from authors to launch their books. Our creative writing group is growing with new members joining. 'Veleta and Friends Writing' Book are out on amazon on eBook and paperback.
The relaunch of "The Depth of Mischief" book was on 21.1.2022. It was awesome the recording is on youtube and on the 'advertising page' on the website. We are proud to display increased views to our Facebook ads on our website. We are becoming not surprising Exposure Book Launch shows popular and increase in a recent survey, 95%-100% of responses favoured us as approachable and are relevant in delivering book services to customers. Our goal is to continue the upward trend and so will run online writing courses. Updates will be on the advert page on the website. We are engaging with readers and authors in the Caribbean, Africa, America, the United Kingdom, and several places worldwide. Stay on track with postings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin.
Favourite Books
Steal like an artist.
Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started.
Write the book you want to read.
Use your hands.
Side projects and hobbies are important.
The secret: do good work and share it with people.
Geography is no longer our master.
Be nice. (The world is a small town.)
Be boring. (It’s the only way to get work done.)
Creativity is subtraction.
Good theft
Bad theft
Steal From Many
Steal From One
Rip Off